lavender in a meadow with the sun behind it


What We Do

The Mighty Fortress Foundation helps mission-minded donors and legacy givers support Lutheran ministries within their communities and all across the Michigan District. Through grants and services, we promote outreach, foster growth and enrich ministries’ opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Mighty Fortress Foundation was founded in 2020 with the help of Church Extension Fund. We are an independent entity with our own board of directors. The board consists of both clergy and lay members of LCMS churches in Michigan.

teacher reading to students

A Name Inspired by Hymn and Scripture

The Mighty Fortress Foundation’s name comes from the hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”, written by Martin Luther some 500 years ago. This hymn is often known as the “Battle Hymn of the Reformation”. It was penned to evoke the imagery and paraphrase the words of Psalm 46. The last line of the hymn, “The Kingdom’s ours forever”, reflects the saving power of Jesus Christ to assure believers of their eternal salvation with God in Heaven.

The missions of both the Mighty Fortress Foundation and Church Extension Fund share the goal of Kingdom expansion. You can be sure that both enterprises will work closely together to further these ends.

people praying in a prayer circle

Enabling Both the Foundation and CEF to Best Serve Our Ministries

The Mighty Fortress Foundation builds on and complements the work of Church Extension Fund. CEF has offered grants and services over the years, but sought a partner that would expand CEF’s current capabilities. The Mighty Fortress Foundation answers this call. The Foundation raises funds to further support the ministries of the Michigan District.

The Mighty Fortress Foundation will primarily serve the same types of ministries that CEF serves, with our focus on providing grants and services through the generosity of donors and legacy givers. We are uniquely equipped to serve these areas in an ever-changing ministry landscape.

hands clasped in prayer on a church pew

Board Members

Dr. Ronald Steinke, Chairman
Whitehall, Michigan

Rev. Joel Hoyer, Vice Chairman
Coopersville, Michigan

Mr. David Vallie, Secretary and Treasurer
Grand Blanc, Michigan

Mr. Kurt Kuck
Caledonia, Michigan

Rev. Robert Appold
Grand Rapids, Michigan


Dr. Ronald Steinke

Dr. Ronald Steinke | Chairman